Global ERM Webcast, Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, 22 January – 5 February 2013

Global ERM Webcast, Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, 22 January – 5 February 2013: Register today for the webcasts on “Signs and Steps in the Maturation of Enterprise Risk Management Discipline” brought to you by the Joint Risk Management Section of the Society of Actuaries; Casualty Actuarial Society; Canadian Institute of Actuaries; AFIR/ERM section of the International Actuarial Association; Institute of Actuaries of Japan in conjunction with Groupe Consultatif and the European Actuarial Academy from 22 January – 5 February 2013.

The global nature of these webcasts aims to shed light on developments and challenges faced by ERM practitioners in all parts of the world. Experts from around the globe will share their experience and insight of various ERM challenges and developments. The topics include an introduction to the basics of ERM, but quickly move to the latest in regulatory expectations and practice issues. Corporate governance issues that worry CROs, ORSA, Solvency II, and best practices in developing and validating risk models will be featured.

The webcasts will take place at three different times to accommodate members located in the Asia-Pacific, European and North American regions.

Registration closes 18 January 2013. Sign up now! 

Kind regards

Emily Lye

Actuaries Office in Hong Kong
Administrator, 29.Jan.2017 | Posted in Finance