IAA Fund Meeting in Bali

September 2005

The fourth International Meeting of Leaders of the Actuarial Profession and Actuarial Educators in Asia and the Pacific took place on Friday, September 16 and Saturday, September 17, 2005 at the Westin Resort, Bali, Indonesia at the invitation of the Actuarial Society of Indonesia (PAI). The meeting followed on the heels of the 13th East Asian Actuarial Conference (EAAC) held in the same location. The 14th EAAC will be held in Tokyo, Japan in 2007. 
IAA representatives included President Alf Guldberg, Secretary General Yves Guérard, Chair of the Advice and Assistance Committee, Stephen Handler, and Chair of the Member Services Committee, Peter Clark.

The meeting, attended by representatives from 15 countries in the region, focussed on professionalism and the development of actuarial education and qualification. Several countries were looking for help and advice in the development of local standards and local education. Not only was the desire of the IAA to help stressed, but also the need to find suitable funding, particularly for educational developments. This need is becoming more acute given the education requirements introduced by the IAA in 2005.

Shortly before the meeting, PAI elected a new President, Rianto Djojosugito, who attended the meeting and met with several IAA representatives in relation with the PAI application for full membership. In the days leading to these meetings, an article had appeared in the Bisnis Indonesia to the effect that the Indonesia actuarial association was working very hard at upgrading its membership in the IAA to Full Member status.

"Kami nanti di sela-sela Konferensi Aktuaria se-Asia Timur akan melakukan pendekatan dengan pihak mereka." "We will approach them on the sidelines of the East Asian Actuarial Conference," announced PAI Secretary General, Angger P. Yuwono.

The PAI was working hard to improve its Code of conduct, Discipline procedures and standards as well as the qualifications of its members, in order to better prepare them to compete with their foreign colleagues within the ASEAN Free Trade Area and beyond..

Chairman of the EAAC, Maryoso Sumaryono, announced "We want the public to know this profession and to associate it with the development of the domestic financial industry." 
“Kami ingin profesi ini dikenal masyarakat luas seiring semakin berkembangnya industri keuangan, tentunya jasa aktuaris akan semakin dibutuhkan."

Source: http://www.actuaries.org/LIBRARY/Newsletters/Sep2005_EN.htm
Administrator, 26.Jan.2017 | Posted in Finance